Continuous support for passing forklift wheels.
Similar to the Cosinus Slide®, the corrugated armor joint makes it possible for vibration and shock free crossings. This joint can seamlessly connect from a Straight HC-Omega®joint to a Corrugated HC-Omega® for high traffic sections of your slab. The bottom half of the joint provides optimal load transfer through the male and female connection from one panel to another. Combining the top section of the Cosinus Slide®and the Straight HC-Omega®, the cold rolled 1/5th inch steel wave profile provides a high level of rigidity and continuous support for passing forklift wheels with an unprecedented level of comfort for the machine operator.
Maximum Slab Expectancy
Many saving
are accumulated due to the design of the joint. The material handling equipment
will no longer suffer shocks and vibrations and the users will enjoy a smoother
- Less wear and tear on the forklift thus increasing its life expectancy.
- Maximum slab lifetime expectancy.
- The loads are transferred simultaneously across the floor from slab panel to slab panel.
- Mitigates curling.
- Mitigates costly floor repairs and facility down time.
- Maximizes your return on investment.
- Corrugated waves remove the linear gap found in straight joints and straight cuts.
- The armor joint offers unprecedented comfort for forklift operators.
- Delivers shock and vibration free surface.
- Reduces the noise level within your facility.
- The two halves of the joints are held together with nylon bolts which break as concrete shrinks allowing for continuous pouring on both sides of the joint and flexible planning.
- The joint can be placed simultaneously with the straight Omega joint; therefore you can chose to use the corrugated joint only in the high traffic areas.
- Available in galvanized and in stainless steel.
- Standard heights are between 120mm or 4-3/4" to 300mm or 12".
- Custom built to your slab depth upon request.
PSCS will provide detailed instructions and onsite personalized training to help your team develop an in-depth understanding of the armor joint installation procedures. With only the savings on forklifts wheels, the return on investment can be recovered in less than one year by using these joints in strategic locations.
Other Armored Joints
Cosinus Slide® armored joint incorporates the latest state of the art technology and changes the way we think of joints. This new jointing solution is revolutionary because the joint becomes the floor. It is like there is no joint. The unique sinus wave geometry completely eliminates any potential impacts from wheeled traffic. Continuous load transfer is accomplished by the Sinus-Cosinus geometry.
Not all floors require the enormous load transfer capacity of the Cosinus Slide®. Coming in at a comparable price to a standard doweled armored joint, the e-Slide Joint® was created to provide a more economical priced sinus wave armored joint.
The e-straight construction joint is our new solution for concrete industrial floors with less static (racks) and dynamic (traffic) load requirements.
When a robust sustainable joint repair solution is desired, know that there is such a possible solution. An important factor is to eliminate the cause of damage which often is the striking impact of passing wheels.
The range of the HC-Mini Omega joint is especially designed for applications in, lighter use industrial floors on elevated bearing slabs, stage floors, various commercial applications, parking structures, and also in light, small industrial floors in buildings.